The aroma massage is a very gentle and soothing treatment - gentle stroking units and soothing stimulation via the sense of smell at the same time.

In this way we have a very strong and direct influence on the emotional level.

Smells stimulate our oldest memories and often decide on moods, sympathy and performance. The mind only learns about it later. The olfactory mucous membrane in the nose is connected to the limbic system, the oldest part of our brain, which controls our vegetative nervous system like a control center. Tiny molecules of the essential oil penetrate through the pores and hair follicles into the finest blood-carrying capillaries and reach the whole body via the bloodstream.

We use high quality vegetable base oils for the massage, to which the 100% pure essential oils are added. The oils are mixed individually for the treatment - also for use at home.

We mix your individual fragrance in face, body and massage oils. The vegetable oils also have different nourishing properties and are adapted to the needs of your skin. The essential oils in our blends all have a skin-care effect.

Partial Massage
  30 min.  37,- €
Whole Body Massage
  50 min.  60,- €